Excel, SQL, PowerBI

Data Analytics

Learn and practice data analytics with our job simulation program and become job ready. Work on a public domain project irrespective of your background. Work and gain experience using various Tools like Excel, MySQL, Python, PowerBI, Power Query, Power Pivot etc.
Signup and complete your application to get accepted to this program.

What tools you will work with & Learn

Advanced Excel

  • FlashFill
  • Data Validation
  • Filtering and Sorting
  • Conditional Formatting
  • Charts
  • Dashboarding
  • Vlookup
  • XLookup
  • Match & Index
  • Text Formulas
  • Date & Time Formulas
  • Statistical Formulas
  • Forecasting Formulas
  • Pivot Tables
  • Formulas

Advanced SQL

  • Joins
  • Window Functions
  • Subqueries
  • Case Handling
  • Temp Tables
  • Indexing and Schema building
  • System Design

Data Cleaning

  • What is Data Cleaning
  • Key aspects of Data Cleaning
  • Data Profiling
  • Methods of Data Cleaning
  • Impact of Data Cleaning
  • Where Data Cleaning is used
  • Techniques of Data Cleaning
  • Handling Missing Values
  • Data Deduplication
  • Data Deduplication - Comparison Methods
  • Duplicate Detection
  • Data Deduplication Conclusion
  • Data Standardisation

  • Frameworks of Data Standardisation
  • Data Wrangling
  • Data Standardisation
  • Data Orchestration
  • Data Blending
  • Data Cleaning
    • Data Transformation
    Data Integration
    • Data Enrichment
    • Types of Data Standardisation
    • General Data Standards
  • Frameworks of Data Standardisation
  • Data Wrangling
  • Data Standardization
  • Data Orchestration
  • Data Blending
  • PowerBI

    • Data Sources
    • Data Transformation
    • Custom Visuals
    • Drill-Through and Drill-Down
    • Bookmarks and Selections
    • Tooltips
    • Data Sensitivity Labels
    • Data Classification
    • Aggregations
    • Composite Models
    • Pivoting and Unpivoting
    • Relationships
    • Data Modeling
    • DAX
    • Row-Level Security